Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Another hot date.

Thur 28

I went to Vamps in the evening and had home made lethal pina coladas then onto Steph’s for party to meet Becki then Double Deckers. Home by 2am as nowhere to go and dance my pants off coz of Ramadan. Shame, we were all revved up and nowhere to go.

Fri 29th

Went to the Vamps pool during the day again. I’ve been going to pool loads and still not even a wee sign of a white line. Gotta get some reduced factor sun cream on my bod.

I guess it is cooling down enough now for me to stop using factor 35 in the shade.

It was my hot date with Josh in the evening. Well actually, the only heat was from the humidity. And he had to take two friends for protection. He paid for me on the on-line charity auction so guess that’s his prerogative.

But result, the guy I was chatting up in the bar whilst waiting for him turned out to be brand manager of a client I want so wicked result!

We met in Teatro, I haven’t been there for ages and forgot how nice it is. (Mental note to go there next time I’m asked out to dinner. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ok, ok, I mean the next time the girls and I go out for dinner).

Few liquid appetizers and then a taxi cab out to Bussola. We sat upstairs at the pizzeria. We had a lovely view of the building site next door on one side and the palm being built on the other. Very romantic indeed.

Strangely the only thing on the menu in a pizzeria is pizza. Its quite amazing how many combinations of pizza you can make up when you need to fill two pages of a menu. So we all ate pizza and sorted out the world.

Good food, good company and a good few shots to tip us over afterwards. Met up with Aileen and a few from Showtime at the bar then home by 2am as nowhere to go and boogie. Roll on Eid.


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