Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Did I or didn't I???

Fri 15th

Went to Debi’s to go to her pool today. We never made it upstairs to the pool, too much effort was required. I did manage to go to shops to make a sandwich and then we watched a movie.

Well I needed to conserve my energy, it’s my hot date with Edward tonight.

It started off well, I was 30 mins late! Bloody traffic. Couldn’t believe it. Oh well he was cool, there was a bar in the lobby so he was sorted.

We went to Cuccina’s in the Courtyard. Highly recommend it. Really good food and great company.

We got on really well and the conversation flowed as fast as the wine was being poured.

In the middle of dinner all the staff started singing an Italian song. Which was really sweet considering they were all Filipino. Everyone else in the restaurant seemed unruffled by this moment of sweetness, Ed and I were a bit gobsmacked to say the least.

It didn’t put us off our pudding however which was truly scrumptious.

So after a civilized evening of chatting and sorting out the world we then headed for RBs for a boogie.

Or so I was promised. Its seems our Ed is a bit of a pool player and that’s exactly where I spent most of the evening, the pool room. It’s a whole other world in there, one which I have never been in before but one which I wouldn’t shy from in the future.

Met a few very interesting people who loved the story of me buying Ed for a date and who kept buying us springboks. Deadly combination. Wine, vodka, shots and a three course Italian meal.

Then we hit the dance floor to juggle it all about a bit then back to Nikki Tams for a few cocktails just to well and truly put the nails in our coffins and ensure a monster hangover the next day which bordered on alcohol poisoning. Then Ed left and I crashed out big time.

And I stayed in the same position until the evening the next day…..

I received 8 messages on Saturday asking me "did I or didn't I"!!!

No I didn't, and neither did he!

Thanks Ed, a perfect gentleman and a perfect date.

Can’t wait for the big night out with everyone, its going to be wicked. But I truly hope everyone else has as nice a charity auction date as I did, but I hope their hangovers are not as bad!


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