Nix in Dubai 2006

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Food and Friends

Tues 19

Met an old friend I haven’t seen for a few years for lunch today, Paul from Showtime. Catching up with old friends is wicked. You always tell each other the gossip you couldn’t tell each other at the time when you worked together!

And aaaahhh, now it all makes sense…. :O)

It’s a sad fact of life in Dubai (probably everywhere) but I feel it’s particularly bad here, that after all the air kisses, swapping phone numbers and promises of “daarrlling we must do lunch again soon” that 8 ½ times out of 10 people are too busy here to even make an effort to phone their friends on week days. The ½ a point is for the times we think about it but don’t actually pick up the phone.

The only time most of us see our friends is in the pub at the weekends. A lot of “friends” of mine have probably never even seen me sober.

I guess that’s why I cook for the girls, it’s the only way I can entice my real pals to come round and get the crack without getting hammered.

If I didn’t cook I would really probably only see most friends with a drink in their hand and a glint in their eye and I wouldn’t have any real friends at all. So thank God for food.

If you are a drinking friend, don’t worry, I love vodka as much as food. But if I have never cooked for you or had lunch/dinner with you then all you probably know about me is that I can drink copious amounts of vodka and dance my pants off til the sun comes up!

Anyway, the point I am trying to make is we should all make more of an effort for our friends.

“The only choice we really have to make for ourselves each day is what we eat for lunch”. Let’s make that choice to include who we eat it with too.

Paul lunch is on me next time. Missed your crack buddy and look forward to many more lunches.


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