Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

Fri 7th July - Back to reality....or not...

So sadly off to airport today. Trying to look confident and be as nice as possible when checking in just in case I am horribly over weight. My cases not me. Woo hoo, only 2 kilos and she let me off. I am more overweight than that.

Just as a matter of fact, I find it very unfair that the fat bastard in front of me is allowed the same luggage allowance as me. I should get more than him and he should get less. It would be a great incentive to loose weight if it was a total weight of yourself and your baggage….

I got called twice to security to open my case. Dunno what they thought was in it but they couldn’t find it.

So down to Heathrow and prepare myself for the 8 hour wait. That’s ok there’s a huge duty free. MMmmm didn’t think that the flight wouldn’t be open until two hours before hand and there are no comfortable places to sit for 6 hours in Terminal 4. Bugger. Oh well, I had a great book and a well padded great ass so I was fine on the floor.

Finally got checked in and got called to security again! Even x-rayed me. I must look too innocent eh? Anyway it was fine coz they whisked me to the front once they’d searched me so result. I’d even remembered to put my wee scissors in my suitcase this time.

So finally my long day over and boarded the plane. All geed up to take off, people buckled up and engines revving. Tearing along the runway and then wooooeeeee! Emergency brakes and managed to stop just before the end of the runway. Shit. Its ok the Captain said, just a light not going off that is supposed to. He knows he did his checks and everything is ok but just to be on the safe side they are going to turn and approach again. Cool I thought. He isn’t going to risk his life if he thinks something is wrong. Is he?

So we slowly taxied back round then our turn again. Engines revved up, speeding along, bum cheeks clenched and woooeeeeew! Shit emergency brakes again.

Its funny, I was so calm it was scary. The only few thoughts I had were oh well if its not third time lucky I would be really pissed off I just spent two weeks shopping and wouldn’t get to wear the clothes plus I wouldn’t get to finish my book! But at least I had met all my family recently so that was a result.

The poor young couple beside me were peeing their pants. I started reading faster just in case I didn’t find out who dunnit but third time lucky we were off. Phew. Thank God Neil wasn’t with me.

Night flight again and no sleep angel onboard again. Crap. Oh well, at least the keep-the-plane-in-the-air-angel was there all the way.


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