Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

Silent thunder....

I was woken last night at about 2am with Tessie scrabling manically trying to get inside my suitcase.

Then she was trying to get under the wardrobe, then under the computer table. She was just going mental. I thought someone had given her speed. Totally manic dog. Realised something was wrong and got up but couldn’t find her. Thought she must have gone upstairs to my mum’s bedroom so went back to bed.

Nope, she was barking loudly for me. Got up again. Went through the house again. No sign of her. Where the hell was she. Back to bed. Then whining. I knew something was wrong and she was stuck somewhere. Back through. I put all the lights on now. Traced the whining to the kitchen. Still couldn’t see her. A tiny teeny whimper. Fuck me, she’s under the floor boards!! I am now in my pyjamas at 3am with my ear to the kitchen floor shouting for my mam’s dog imagining that I am going to get dressed, go to the garage, get tools, pull up the carpet and get under the floorboards and rescue Tess.

Panic setting in just in case she was hurt, suddenly I heard movement. Oh my God, she’s in the washing machine. Nope. More movement. Oh my God, she’s inside the tumble dryer. Nope.

This miniature collie just above knee high with a good wee pot bellie on her had managed to squeeze through a 3inch space to hide behind the tumble dryer.

Poor Tessie, she is terrified of thunder. I didn’t even hear it. But Bob the Lodger heard it and she had hid in his wardrobe earlier and he heard it. I managed to get her out and she went back through to my room and hid under the computer table and the sleep angel resumed her duty to me. Posted by Picasa


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