Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

Mon 3rd - 5th July - more Life Laundry

Up and down. Pushing and pulling. Climbing and falling over. Throwing and catching. Over and over and over again. Dirty and sweating, back and thighs aching but very, very pleased with myself.

No, the man of my dreams had not come to me in the night. I had decided to clear out the attic today.

The first time I went up I couldn’t stand in a single clear 6inch squared place.

By Wednesday afternoon it was completely empty.

All that was left of the last chapter of my old life was in one box and contained photos, a couple of very nice ornaments (one of which is my wizard and crystal ball and I’m gutted its too heavy to carry back), my old LPs and my Caterpillar boots. That’s it. All my household stuff, all my clothes, all my everything was now in the driveway waiting to be collected by anyone who wanted or needed it now.

My mam was in bits. She is very sentimental. I’m not. I chucked out loads of her stuff too. And Grannies old stuff. Everyone has their own map of territory. Its just stuff. I have stuff here. She has stuff there. We don’t need a garage and an attic full of stuff too. Now someone else has all our stuff. Wicked. I feel so much lighter.

Once my Mam gets over the shock and seeks counseling she will too. In fact, she should feel so light she should be floating off somewhere by now....

After my busy few days my mate Caroline took me out to dinner in the evening to a lovely restaurant on Castle street called Café 1. Scrummy food and good crack. We did have some good times together back in our day. Some shit times but we can laugh about it now, and more good times than I actually remembered. Very nice evening indeed.

Dinner is on me next year when you come back over here kid!


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