Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

Thurs 6th July

I met my old work colleague, Aileen, for lunch and catch up. It was lovely. Nice place and good to catch up on the gossip. Then onto my bank appointment.

Last day. You would think it would be a buzzing happy one. Full of last minute shopping and catching up with mates and saying goodbye to everyone.

I spent 2 ½ hours in the bank trying to sort out a bank mess without killing someone. This is going to take a very long legal battle. I’m tired already thinking about it.

I haven’t mentioned it til now coz its toooooo long and boring and makes my blood boil. But the short story is if they don't sort it I will have lost 19,000 pounds. NINETEEN THOUSAND POUNDS!

AARRGGGHHHH! I don’t want to talk about it anymore.

I had to quickly put on a happy face and meet more family I haven’t seen for years for a quick coffee before I left. Met Irene and Iona in the centre then off to grab some last minute bargains then home to pack my suitcase.

Well it ended up two cases coz I’d bought so much stuff in the sales. Everyone was popping in and out to say goodbye and then suddenly it was my last sleep in my Mam’s house.



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