Nix in Dubai 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

One big blur..

Sunday 9th to Thursday 13th is one big blur.

Trillions of tonnes of work, millions of appointments, zillions more than usual cars on the road between appointments.

On the positive side although stress level off the scale, zero zits and zero fags but zero yoga so zero fucking tolerance!

I managed not to murder anyone and that’s the main thing.

Which is surprising because I had an average of 4 hours sleep every night. Jet lag, it must be. Either that or my Granny Ruth had put speed in the shortbread.

Hey that might explain Tessies trauma.

I did have a really nice night out with Becki. We went to our favourite, the Noodle House and sorted the world out. Can’t remember which night it was but do remember the company and the food was as good as ever.

Take special note of the next sentence - you won’t see it blogged very often. I was so tired stayed in on Thursday 13th. And it didn’t kill me. There, I admitted it. Finally the sleep angel came back to me. I slept from 1030pm until 1pm Friday and didn’t open my eyes once. I don’t think I even turned over.

Bliss. I feel human again.

It’s safe to go out with my friends this weekend.


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