Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ladies Nights...

Tuesday 15th

Now that my BNI group has changed to Monday mornings instead of Wednesdays, some of my fellow members were supposed to go out tonight to celebrate our first long lie on Wednesday since we all joined BNI. But they all wimped so I went out with the Vampire instead.

Now I remember why I don’t go out on Tuesday’s anymore. Wednesday mornings.

Free vodka is fantastic, in the right quantities on a school night. My brain does not recognise normal people measures. Four free in Boston swiftly followed by unlimited in RBs (if you keep hold of your fancy glass) is too much to resist for a hard core girl with a reputation to keep. Personally I preferred the mugs to glasses but hey, would have been the same liquidised brain cell effect anyway and the tall glasses did save at least two trips back to get more.

I was like a wee girl with 100 pounds to spend in a penny sweet shop. They went down without even touching the sides. When will I ever learn.

The sambuka shots didn’t really help. Thanks Josh.

After a few feels of the bum on the dance floor we managed to leave before the lights came on and my lights stayed off until at least 4pm the next day.

Wednesday 16th

Oh my God. It hurt. Badly.

I really need a boyfriend. He will have five good uses.

1/ He will make sure I don’t drink too much and take me home early for lots of sex and so no hangover.
2/ If I do drink too much he will burl me round the dance floor for a few hours until I get sober and then take me home for sex and so no hangover.
3/ If he fails in the above two duties he must feed and water me and generally mollycoddle me all the next day until I feel better enough for sex.
4/ He will come round during the week for lots of sex which will result in me losing lots of weight without going to the gym.
5/ He will carry heavy things. Then he will get lots of sex as a reward.


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