Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Best behaviour for once...

Fri 8

No-one gave me any good ideas to alternatives for a Friday (ie not Waxy’s and RBs) and my lot all doing different stuff this weekend so no-one would come to Laughter Factory or Cheesy night with me so I STAYED IN!

I’ll say it again in case you didn’t read it correctly... I STAYED IN. And on a Friday. And it was cool. Cooked loads of nice food and watched loads of crap telly. Haven’t done that for a while and needed the rest. And saving my voice and my liver as out every weekend from now until 6th October! Hey, can I help it if I’m popular?

Sat 9

Went to the Vamps pool and even the brown mafia came this week. Well I thought they were both looking a bit peely wally and needed some sun….


I had to leave early as cooking for Cally and Paul tonight to discuss our next charity event.

God the pressure! Paul is the head chef of Left Bank and Cally is a veggie! Nightmare.

So I had to bring out the big guns. What else but home made vegetable soup to start and of course fish pie and vegetables for main.

And enough left over for a small army so no cooking worries rest of the week. Result.

Sun 10

Nothing exciting happened today. Worked til 8pm and then it took an hour and a bloody half to get home. Bugger.

Does everyone in Media City really live on the other side of the Trade Centre??? Seriously, where the hell does everyone go in the evening???

Mon 11

Yoga, yippee!

Tues 12

Went to the Agency in Emirates Towers for Becki’s mum’s 50th. Very civilized evening. I have to drive to Abu Dhabi tomorrow morning so had to be on my best behaviour.

For a change.


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