Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, September 03, 2006

If at first you don't succeed.....

Yvie, this is proof of how much I love you!

They say third time lucky, but obviously not in my case.

If I don't get it right on the fourth attempt I am getting some posted over by my Mum.

It will be cheaper.

For those of you who don't recognise this mush, it is of course my third attempt at Millionaires Shortbread for my friend's birthday which was on 28th July.

The biscuit bottom was perfect and the chocolate topping was truly great believe me. It was just the mush in the middle that kinda spoiled the effect.

Need a wee lesson from my favourite Chef Paul & Chefess Cally me thinks.

I am a good cook. Just a baaaad baker. I blame the oven. Oh yes, I mean fridge in this case.

I wrote a wee poem to go with it:-

For your birthday Yvie I wanted to do something special for you.
But I don’t have a million Dirhams and I didn’t know what to do.
You already have everything a girl could want on her special day
And with the chance of failing I was determined come what may.
So at the risk of producing a wee monster plate of Scottish goo.
Hopefully this plate of Millionaire’s Shortbread will do.

Obviously as it was a plate of goo I didn't give it to her! Oh well, the thought was there. Sometimes I think too hard. Next time I will just spend more money on a proper present instead.

I am loving my new camera. New phone was good until 2 days ago when the radio stopped working.

How flipin' inconvenient is that when I am trying to concentrate on work. Posted by Picasa


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