Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Blog, blog, blog.....please don't fire, blog, blog....

Thur 7th

After a very loooong week at work, went to Aileen’s birthday at Ibis at night with the Vampire.

Saw a few people haven’t seen for ages so it was good crack. Gillian’s brother and mates are here from Glasgow so spent the night trying to translate Glaswegian quickly.

Then we all went to RBs but it was absolutely rammed. No room to even lift our elbows to take a swig never mind room to rock our bottoms so everyone came back to Nikki Tams. Very subdued party for me but the boys had sun stroke from the day before so let them off. Made cheese on toast, burnt bacon and sausage sandwiches.


Gillian and Aileen feel asleep on the couch and then once my only hope of a boogie, Mr-Saturday-Night-Fever-Greg, fell asleep leaning against the wall, it was time to break up the party and go to bed.

My digital camera has all the evidence but I am too nice to publish the photos on my blog.

And if I did no-one would ever come back to mine for a party again for fear of world wide blogging evidence!

Talking of which, I hear 7Days is looking for good bloggers and sites to report about. Apparently people are getting fired because their bosses don’t like what they are saying on their blogs! And kids are even getting suspended from school.

Well this is a personal blog for my personal enjoyment and, for those who know me, to read and hopefully have a giggle at.

Once again, if you don’t like it, don’t read it!

I don’t think I have written anything that would warrant me getting fired, and if I had known about blogging in school I would have done it sooner to get expelled. What a great plan.

No the only thing I have to worry about is jail for pimping.

So strangers seeking a quick thrill at the glimpse of someone else’s life, coz theirs is too fucking boring to write about, will just have to wait for my book to be published at the end of next year to read anything I have written as I am not publishing my blog for the general public to tear apart and destroy.

Remember, the reason I started blogging was to prove my dedication to writing. Well as I’ve been writing it since April and it adds up to over 80 pages already, I think it’s a realistic goal to be able to write my book in a year.

Watch this space….


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