Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Jelly bellies and traffic lights.

Saturday 19th

Caught up on boring house stuff and did my weekly report for work during the day. Missing the beach, hope it cools down soon or will have to result in bottled stuff soon.

SQ came round for coffee and then I went to see The Breakup at movies with Becki at night. It was ok but again my advice is buy it in Karama. We did have a delicious Italian meal in Mercato upstairs. Scrummy. Diet starts tomorrow. Less than 2 weeks til my 1st September deadline. Ok ok realistically we all know I am not going to make it now.

Next goal is holiday in Eid in October. We are going to Goa so need to get back into that bikini with confidence.

So 8 week countdown starts tomorrow.

Goal: lose 10 kilos.
How: yoga twice a week, abs once a week, no bread, carbs only at weekend and lots of fish and veg.
Achievable: absofuckinglutely

Last day for collection of the Online Auction bids tomorrow. So we will be in Left Bank from 7pm til 10pm collecting money – hopefully!

I haven’t decided who to bid on yet, too many nice boys to choose from!

All will be revealed on Monday.

By the way, what is with the new traffic lights on the Beach Road. Tonight is the first time I have driven down there since it’s “nearly” finished.

So what? They couldn’t afford the green lights at the pedestrian crossings or what? So its only flashing amber then red for stop. Ok. But where do you stop? If you go all the way up to the white line you can’t actually see the lights. If you stay back far enough to see the lights you are miles away from the line. It’s mental.

And please don’t tell me that we have had to wait all this time just to put cobbles in the road at the new crossings with speed humps and a wee metal fence down the middle. Can someone tell me what else has changed? Coz I’m damned if I can see the difference.

Ok there is that other new lane, but seriously what's that achieved except longer bottle necks and pissing off the residents coz the cars can practically park in their gardens now?

Bring back plain old tarmac, red, amber and green lights and beeping pelican crossings. Don’t fix what ain't broken.

I am very surprised I haven’t seen any letters in 7 days about this yet, but then I’ve been so busy I’m not reading it every day, maybe I’ve missed all the action.

Oh well, plenty action next week when the auction winners are announced!

Good luck with your bids!

Hope everyone wins.



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