Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Blue teeth vs bum pinching. Decisions, decisions....

Thursday 17th

Work was manic but made it through the day and went out with the Vampire and Becki at night.

We went to Double Deckers first. I haven’t been there for ages. Not quite as minging as last time we were there and a lot of holiday makers about so it was cool actually. Then we went to Trilogy for a change.

The music was wicked. Strange crowd tho' we didn’t know anyone at all. We spoke to a young boy who was so pissed he knocked me over and then tried to chat us up. Good looking but the blue tongue and teeth kinda spoiled the moment for me.

I told him he should go home and pointed out his blueness and the Vampire then spent the next 10 minutes consoling him as apparently he was crushed by my bluntness. Bless.

I didn’t feel too bad as I know for a fact he would not remember me or the conversation the next day.

So we had a boogie and then were torn between the Apartment and RBs. Only an hour left so RBs won as it’s on way home.

Well they may have sent the Police out to look for us if we didn’t go and we didn’t want to cause a fuss. Plus profits would have dropped considerably so we knew it would be rude not to.

It was truly minging. Too busy to move. Too pissed to handle it. Too disappointed to care. We had one and left. The bum pinchings on the dance floor were definitely a justifiable punch on the nose kind. But we left without hurting anyone instead. Seriously, this bum pinching thing is getting to be a real problem. And its not just me, the Vamp got a taste too. I am going to learn that self defence move where you grab someone’s thumb, bend it backwards and they end up begging for mercy on their knees. That might work.

Friday 18th

Stayed in and chilled all day. Hangover wasn’t as bad as Wednesday so that was a result. Needed to chill, it was fab. Telly was shit but lazed around and wrote my blog and didn’t go out the door all day.


But wish they would release the next series of 24 for days like this. I get house fever easily.


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