Nix in Dubai 2006

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Thursday 12th Night

John-long-lost-Dawson came out to play with the girls tonight. He hasn’t been out to play for a very long time. Well since he met and married his own girl to play with anyway, the beautiful Marion.

Dawson used to live in the tower block next to me on Sheikh Z and we have had many a drunken shindig at his place or mine.

His place was always better, he had a karaoke machine. Which we all frequently fought over at weekends.

Even Santa Clause knocked on the door one night to complain about the noise. You had to be there…..aaah funny memories.

And he was also my only comrade in the adoring Bruce Springsteen fan club!

Actually, Dawson didn’t just have a t-shirt, he had a pillow case as well.

I was very jealous. Posted by Picasa


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