Nix in Dubai 2006

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Still Thursday night....

So we all started off at Nikki Tams.

Claire and Claire-2 had a couple and then went off to meet their friends. Daws, Caroline, Becki and I stayed for a few and sorted out the world before we hit Double Deckers with avengence.

Great fun and good crack all round. Cooked cheesy toast when I got home and Claire and I finished off sorting out the world and then crashed just as the sun came up.

Yep, she is definitely going to be fun to share with.

Well as long as I get her schedule right! I’ll be in big trouble if I have a wild party and she is flying the next day.

This may actually be the start of me getting to bed before dawn at the weekends and that can only be a good thing. Posted by Picasa

Today I achieved 2 out of 5.


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