Nix in Dubai 2006

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Unlucky for some, if you move from the sofa....

Friday 13th

The worst thing that happened to me today was we started watching a movie that I went over to my dodgy DVD man especially to buy and it stuck!

Didn’t break any mirrors either so hopefully no bad luck for next 7 years.

But I didn’t want to tempt fate when this chapter of my life is going so well so didn’t go out at night.

Unfortunately that meant I missed both Louise’s and Gill’s birthday parties. HAPPY BIRTHDAY girls.

Sorry I didn’t make it, had good intentions in the afternoon but by evening another dodgy dvd and a bowl of popcorn was all I could muster up the strength for.

Then Claire and I got serious house fever a bit later and we went for a jolly round Karama so we could at least say we were out on Friday and not two saddo’s sitting in with our pyjamas and slippers on all day.

Has anyone been to Karama lately? Quite good genuine fakes in just now.

Although I was very upset when I bought an extra large Victoria Beckham brown velvet sexy track suit and it was too small. Guess that was the fake part.

No worries, I can take it back tomorrow and get a medium one which will probably be too big.

Today I achieved 1 out of 5.


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