Nix in Dubai 2006

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sharks and Shoes

Sat 14th

Finally paid for all Etisalat stuff today so roaming and internet on the way. Woo hoo.

Pool in aftie and cards at night. Saturdays are getting very predictable but you know what – they are fun!

I cooked veggie curry and various interesting bits and bobs to accompany it. Claire is veggie so that might be good for me to eat less creatures that used to have a pulse too. I used to have a friend who said she wouldn’t eat anything that had eyelashes. That kinda freaked me out for a while but this is worse.

Claire is a veggie because the cartilage of some poor creature got stuck in her teeth when she was 13 and it grossed her out so much she hasn’t eaten meat since. Don’t blame her, the story kinda grossed me out too!

I told her I would go veggie if she stopped smoking.

Naahh, she can smoke outside as long as she wants, I ain’t giving up my fillet steaks, haggis, and most of all bacon!

Friday would not be worth getting up for without a fry up, which is still a hangover cure tradition in my house every Friday.

Anyway, we are all turning into card sharks. The idea is to have a few games and not drink and chill out on a Saturday as we are all back to work on Sundays. But we were so engrossed and hyper and into the card game that we played til midnight! I was so revved up I couldn't sleep!

Congratulations to our YVIE who won this week.

I must get the rules to poker off the internet. Mind you, Claire will win all the time then as she is paid to be nice all the time and hide her feelings most of the time so will definitely be at an advantage!

She is definitely not your stereotype trollie dollie of quote “all nails, shoes and handbags” unquote. A very bonny lassie, down to earth and full of fun and obviously takes her job very seriously and with pride.

Senior exams here she comes in a few months and I expect her to pass with flying colours. Pardon the pun.

Although I really do disagree about the “not all shoes” bit. Seriously, I could start a shoe shop sale in my house.

Thankfully we are the same size.

Today I achieved 2 out of 5.


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