Nix in Dubai 2006

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Networking - King or Queen?

Mon 16th

BNI night shift today. Although good crack today as Dave, our new Director and Leone (The Godfather) from another chapter was there too and Leone is always good crack.

Very cheeky and fun. Blushes easily but he will get used to me. I get what I give usually. He’ll learn.

He is the network King of Dubai. Although as he has only just been added to my e-mail list so I reckon he has been avoiding this wee Scottish Queen’s little empire til now. Too much competition to handle maybe?

Nah, seriously, there is no competition at all. I only started this game over a year ago and I have a lot to learn. Granted I have a huge friendship circle, but that's not business, that's fun!

Some of the other members in my group and I are trying to get together for a power group but that's proving very difficult with 6 very busy professional people to fix a time for all.

I got to practice my new BNI Visitor Host skills which I had to go to 3 hours of BNI training to learn.

I now know how to write visitors names on a sheet, give them sticky badges, show them where the tea and coffee is and smile a lot.

Yep, 100 Dhs for training was worth every penny.

I showed off my new map and everyone seemed to really like it. Here’s hoping they pay next year then instead of getting freebies…..!

Went shopping in evening to get few bits for holiday and try and find mum a few new outfits. She was ill in February and went from a size 18 to a size 12 so literally is half the woman she was and none of her summer holiday clothes fit her.

As I live in the trendiest shopping area of Dubai, Al Karama, I managed to spend a whopping 200 Dhs on two new designer label outfits for her.

Today I achieved 0 out of 5. Pants!


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