Nix in Dubai 2006

Sunday, December 31, 2006


Monday 18th December


My actual birthday dinner is tonight for the chosen few….. the true friends who are in my lifeboat. I was lucky enough to have six out of my twelve lifeboat friends join me this year.

These are the special friends that I would save first if “that day” ever comes and of course I have time to build an arc and pick who I want to start a brand new world.
As well as Caroline, SQ and Bex, Yvette, Debi and Neil were also there.

We went to Teatro and it was lush as usual. Well apart from the fact I was very hung over and seem to be coming down with another lurgy/flu thing and shivered and sneezed my way thru the dinner.

I was very very spoiled. As usual. I’m sure I seem to be getting more and more presents as I get older. And that’s not a complaint!

Next year my life really begins. The big 40! It will not be celebrated in Dubai for sure.

Barcelona here we come!

I am a very lucky girl.

Ladies lunch at Country Club

Sunday 17th December

Well it started like any other Sunday back at work after the weekend. Slowly.

We had been invited the Dubai Country Club for Xmas Ladies Lunch but I was very busy and swithered whether to go or not.

The girls were looking forward to it so I said as long as we were back by 3pm.

So Mel, Jaylene and I went off for what we thought would be a quick turnkey sandwich, xmas pie and back to work.

We were definitely not prepared for, or dressed for, the sumptuous 4 course dinner that was ahead of us.

And the sexy singer they had crooning to us all afternoon.

Unfortunately the lunch also included free wine.

Fortunately I had my car so refrained after one.

Unfortunately Emad had remembered it was my birthday tomorrow which meant that Champaign was sent over to our table and a strawberry birthday cake so it would have been very rude not to drink it.

The surprise also included me having to do a solo dance with the sexy singer to "Once, twice, three times a lady" in front of everyone.

My face was the colour of my red blouse.

Not usually into black men but my new singing friend had me quivering like jelly on the dance floor and I would have broken all rules there and then if I didn't have an audience of about 50 extremely jealous women watching me.

So after two bottles of wine and the Champaign finished we were ready to party.

Spook. On way out saw the cute boy from Cyprus again. Very strange. Coincidence or scene from Serendipity? Time will tell. Ah well, if i thought he was that cute I would have stopped to talk.

Mmm IBO, Twisted Melonds. I didn't blog that night, when was it, last week? Oh well, can't remember to tell you all everything, guess some of its censored!

Anyway, when Caroline and I walked into IBO this boy was standing at the bar that we had seen in Cyprus. I noticed him in the Step Inn, but didn't speak to him and I should have coz he was cute.

So got my chance in IBO.

I said hi were you in Cyprus in Eid.
Yes was his answer.
Oh i thought it was you, how are you doing?
Ok then, well just thought I'd say hello.
Sorry I don't remember you.

And off he walked!

I am so cool with boys. They just can't resist my charm. Not!!

Oh well hey its all practice for 2007.

His loss.

Anyway, back to the impromtu Xmas party. So the three of us went to Double Decker. Which was not prepared for three girls in Xmas hats ready to party.

We made our loud and grand entrance only to slink off to the side and order more wine when we realised the footie was on and it was all hairy arsed English fans watching another important game.

A couple of Welsh lads came to chat for a while until Greg came to collect the girls and they piled me into a taxi to go home.

Well that was the plan. Unfortunately when I got home in my wisdom I decided it wasn't actually time to go home and I had it in my wee head I wanted to take the bells in for my birthday.

So I got changed and went to RBs - alone.


Anyway, Sami and Joshua were there so I knew I was safe.

I remember doing a burl for the band coz they knew it was my birthday.

I remember falling over and Sami picking me up after doing the burl.

That's about all I remember.

I am NEVER drinking bull frogs again.....

Birthday Week!

Thursday 14th December

I’m like the Queen, I always have more than one birthday!

I start partying the first weekend before my birthday and I don’t stop until I go back to work after New Year.

Its tradition.

So this year the madness begins at Double Deckers on the 14th December. This is the more the merrier party for everyone I know who wants to come have a wee dram to celebrate the end of another year in my life and the beginning of a new one.


These boots are made for sleeping...

Saturday 9th December

Result - hangover not too bad. But woke up in my jeans and MY BOOTS!

That’s one of the things I love about being single and living alone.

I can wear anything I want in bed…..

No Mexican for me tonight. Ole.

Lou, Kerry & Tony’s party tonight in Barsha.

Wicked night. Great crowd as usual. Don’t quite know what happened to my dinner though. Got there at 830pm and went to eat the fab Mexican spread they put on and the next thing I know its 230am and Lou is pouring me into a taxi and apparently I am declaring my undying love for everyone.

Bugger, I was looking forward to the Mexican food.

Finally caught up!

Wed 6th

Ah bliss. Long lie in today. Girls safely off to airport at silly o’clock this morning and I have nothing to do all day.

Went shopping with Claire and I got my first ever pair of leather knee length boots. Woo hoo. And I mean ever. That’s the problem a girl has when she has teeny wee feet and big fat calves all her life. (muscle of course). So now I just have to learn to walk in them and I’m off! They are not as sexy lexy as I had in mind but hey it’s a start, I got them on that’s the main thing.

I was so excited I wanted to wear my new boots in bed but she wouldn’t let me. Party pooper.

Thursday 7th

Oh no…. back to work today. But not a real working day coz my boss is here and so we just did catch up and brainstorming. Not that my brain managed to storm very much as I was still in holiday mode.

I went for dinner at Left Bank and then went to see my wee pal Dave Crane tonight at the Madinat Theatre for his stage hypno show. I went with Becki, Lou and Laura and we all had a scream. I’ve seen some of the show before but lots of new stuff and I still nearly peed my pants laughing! He rocks.

If I ever publish my blog, or write the book that’s in my head, it will be dedicated to Dave, my personal Life Designer.

I went straight from work so had my car. Then we went to Jam Base. Can’t get my head round that place. Band too loud to talk and not fast enough to dance. Yep. Jazz band. If I ever get a boyfriend I will go back for dinner. Not before.

So back to Left Bank. Stayed there til one, drinking my cokes, then drove the girls to Double Decker.

Four drunk girls in my car, me sober.

I am still not quite sure how I made it as far as DDs but I managed not to break bones or draw blood, There should def be a bruise on Tinks arm though from fighting her off my horn for the hundredth time.

God girls are annoying when they are pissed….. :O)

So dumped them and I went home to bed by 2am. Woo hoo, no hangover tomorrow. Can’t wait.

Friday 8th

Bloody hell! 1230pm before I woke up! And felt like shit coz I’d slept too long! How funny.

Took a mad turn and cleaned out the big cupboard and pottered around in the flat all day coz the weather was shit and was determined not to sit on my arse and watch dvds.

AND CAUGHT UP WITH MY BLOG! Hope I can read my scribbles ok but if any facts are wrong it’s because I have typed this today going back as far as the 17th OCTOBER!!!

Missed typing it every other night, but then left it for so long it became one of those monster Head List things to do that I just kept putting off.

Cool – done now. Tick.

Last day.

Tuesday 5th December

Up and at em today. Last day.

So shopping at Mall of the Emirates and of course I bought more than they did coz I have been saving all year for this holiday and I have so much money its burning a hole in my pocket. Not.

Was supposed to cook but so late back from shopping just ordered crap Wanton and got ready as fast as 4 girls can in a 2 showers/1 hairdryer/straighteners apartment.

We went to Waxy’s for free Champaign and I thought it would be one step forward and three back on entry as usual.

It had the grand total of 3 punters and about 10 staff so ran after the same taxi that dropped us off and went to Sho Cho’s.

I have never liked it there and don’t think I ever will. It’s too smoky inside and too cold and posy outside. Everyone is too busy eyeing everyone else up to have a conversation and drinks are too expensive to get hammered so not the place for me.

Had a quick visit to Alamo for old times sake. Lloyd manager there now, but not quite the place to be unless you are male, 40 something, single with a beer belly and no chance of getting any anywhere else so you have to watch the pretty dancers and dream, or pay for it, instead.

Actually, if you scraped the make up off, put decent clothes on them instead of sequins and cloths just about covering where the sun don’t shine, they would probably be the best band in Dubai right now. They sure can sing. And act. It was the acting that was the problem.

Well for single girls anyway. You gotta go there to get it.

So back to our good old faithful RBs. Joshua (nee Josh but prefers Joshua now) was playing tonight so at least the music would be good.

We walked in to “Hope Joanna” and then when the Proclaimers came on and the place burst into “And I would walk 500 miles” I wanted to poke my eye out with a sharp stick.

Being the girls last night out I had to bribe our favourite DJ to play some good dance tunes. If not I was going to poke Joshua’s other eye out with a sharp stick and then he would have TWO black eyes to explain…….

The night was saved and we had a few freebie vodkas and a boogie or two.

Then home for a couple hours kip before the girls had to leave for the airport.

I'm still a screamer.

Monday 4th

Desert Safari day. What a wicked day out. If you have never been on one – please go.

Even for someone with a very sore throat, trust me I’m still a screamer.

And my first ever camel ride – woo hoo! Can you believe I have lived in Gulf for 11 years and I have never ridden a camel. Well I have now!

Another thing off my personal one day to do list.

What no jamming?

MO – the dancing King – met us there and we boogied til the lights came on.

Then everyone piled back to Nikki Tams. But no jam session this time. They actually made me have a conversation round the table.

I am sure no life changing decisions were made but I’m screwed if there was coz I don’t remember.

Her cousin was cute, and had the same taste in music and cheesy bread too. Shame he was only 26.

Last year’s New Years resolutions still stand. No boys younger than 35 or older than 45. No taking advantage of the nice boys. No putting up with shit from the players.

He fell under all three of above.

Mmmm, guess that’s why I haven’t woke up with a smile since last March.

Only 3 weeks left until new New Years Resolution time… Rock on. Last year of my 30’s next year and I promise I will be going out with a very big bang!

Will rethink my New Year’s resolutions very, very carefully this year.

Finally got to bed just as sun coming up at 5am. Viks going back to Uk tomorrow.

Am invited to her wedding next September.


Cocktails at Carters

Sunday 3rd

Still full of cold but managed to get out of my bed. Shoulder killing me as lying in bed for 2 days. Haven’t done my physio exercises since girls arrived so no-one to blame but myself.

Went to Lamcys shopping as couldn’t face the traffic going anywhere else. Got a few bargains which actually put smiles on our faces. Girls are so easy, spend a bit of money on something new and all the world is a better place.

I even bought my dress for the races next March, which in typical girlie fashion is one size too small and I have to diet to get into it.

This is what they call diet incentive.

Actually, I think this only works with a wedding dress really so don’t hold your breath to see me in it.

We went to Carters for dinner at night (diet starts next week). I like it there but gutted the band wasn’t on. Forgot it was the crap DJ for ladies night. Oh well, food was great as usual.
The half price cocktails were even better.
Then we braved the wind and rain on the rooftop and went to Sevilles for a swiftie before going to meet Vicki (Armitage), her cousin Jamie and Andy.

They said they were DEFINITELY not coming out so we had to go over to Andy’s for a wee dram to say goodbye.

They were changed and in our taxi on way to RBs within 30 mins.

2 out of 3 ain't bad.

Saturday 2nd.

It’s my punishment from the rugby angel for not getting the tickets in time isn’t it?

I could hardly get out of bed so full of lurgy but breakfast doesn’t cook itself so dragged my sorry ass to the kitchen for my hostess with the mostess duties.

Sent girls to Karma for umbrellas and bin bags to protect them from rain and then had no choice but to send them on their merry way without me to play in the mud with the boys. Sniff.

I was lying in bed greetin’ coz I was missing out on all the fun and wishing I was with everyone.

Everyone was greetin’ in the rain and wishing they were me in bed.

Girls finally got home at 10pm soaking wet, sober and freezing cold. Quick showers to warm up then fed them and then sent them on their way to go forth and find boys!!!!

Well 2 out of 3 should have some fun.

Reality... sniff.


Sneezed all day until I couldn’t sneeze anymore.

Eyes stung like someone had poured acid in them.

Throat felt like I had swallowed a golf ball and was as swollen as a wee hamster storing for a long hard winter.

Bones and muscles ached like a memory I have of a very dirty weekend session when I used muscles I didn’t know I had.

Pouring f'ing rain, freezing cold, wet and more miserable than last orders and an empty glass.

Sober. Yes – SOBER! No spirits on sale and only had three coz I hate beer more than peeing outdoors when camping.

Yep, full of flu, wee grizzly bear with a sore head and felt like shit. It was the only thing I was to feel that day.

We had taken the Big Bus home but were dumped at Al Murooj and there were no taxis anywhere and hundreds of others also dumped there by Big Bus looking for taxis.
We had to walk to the Dusit before by pure luck and prayers we hijacked a taxi someone was just getting out of. Doesn't sound far, but when its pouring rain and you are full of the flu/cold/lurgy it seemed like miles.

Soaked, nose dripping and never wanting my bed so badly in all my life.

Sent girls to Irish Village to party without me and I crawled into bed with my flannelette tartan pyjamas on and a hot toddy at 9pm.

As you can see. We had to take a picture to prove that i was in bed by 9pm. I know the picture shows its the 2nd (D'oh) i promise its the Friday and I wimped out due to failure to breath.
Oh what Joy.

Definitely not the day we had planned for.

Bring on the Boys In Blue....

Friday 1st November

This is it. The day we have all been waiting for all year.

28,000 tickets sold for the rugby 7’s.

So by the law of averages that’s about 14,000 boys.

7,000 of which are probably on holiday so won’t be tarnished by the Dubai Male “I like you and I’ll talk to you but I’ll keep looking over my shoulder, just in case” Syndrome yet and we might even get a decent fully-focused-non-attention-deficit-disorder conversation.

Coz good conversation is what we all want this weekend - right?

Bring it on. Yahoo.

Shit – forgot to stock up on condoms while I was in the chemist buying all our flu drugs…..

A Big Black One for the Girls...

Jamie organized a limo to take us all to the Madinat. Great treat for the girls. Then we went to Jam Base. Music good but we weren’t feeling it in there so went to Left Bank. Much better. We perched ourselves at the bar, with posh frocks and no knickers, and sorted the world out.

We were going to go somewhere suitable for our attire, but hey, we are RB girls through and through so where else could we end up.

We turned a few heads, caused a few stirs, sussed out the room, strutted our stuff briefly and then all went home early, saving our energy for naughtiness until the rugby tomorrow.

Home by 130am and not one fag burn or spilt beer on the posh frocks. Result.

Recovery day no.2.

Thursday 30th Nov

Mmmm throat feels a bit sore. Hopefully that was just all the singing we did last night.

Struggled to get up at 5pm (!!) to get ready to go to horse racing with girls, Aleeeson and family.

Being hard core we managed, just. But I was flagging big time. This old age thing sucks! I can still party hardest, loudest and longest, it just takes me much longer to recover now.

Got all glammed up again and met Alison, John, Jamie and family at the races. Poor Yvie was very late coz she couldn’t get a cab. Still enough time for food, a wee vodka and the last race ensured so all was not lost.


Steve thought he was going home to Jason’s, but Steve didn’t know his way around Dubai yet....

He didn’t seem to mind being kidnapped when he saw my fully stocked bar and giant home made soup pan.

Fortunately my roomie was flying so we were free to bang on the drums and blow our whistles as loudly as we liked.


Finally we all crashed and burned at 7am with all reputations still in tact.


Ok really don't know why its doing this sideways thing, but is probably quite appropriate for how we were all feeling by this time!


It was SQs birthday night oot at Trader Vics so we filled our boots with cold/flu prevention drugs, glammed up and set off rattling.

Well well what do you know,
its Suzie Q's big 4-0!!

That's as far as i got with the ode, sorry.

Good food, good company, great Scorpions (the bucket of lethal liquid in middle of table), balloons, presents and cake, what more could a good catholic girl want on her birthday.

Well she was working the next day so couldn’t come out looking for that…..

So were the other girls all working the next day so they all went home after dinner and we three non catholics on holiday headed for the Madinat to Barzar to meet Jason and the boys.

Quite busy but once vodka mixed in with Scorpions it obviously wasn’t dancy enough. So off to the Apartment Club for us. Jason wimped and went home and left his buddy Steve in our capable hands.

The Apartment was as unfriendly as ever but the drink was wet, the music was danceable and the boys joined in too so we were sorted. Josh arrived to seal my hangover fate with his notoriously renowned shot tray.

Chatted to a few on holiday for the rugby and danced with a few who like me was passed speech ability, but no butterfly tummies and batting eyelashes noted between us so we kidnapped Steve and headed for Nikki Tams.

Recovery Morning No.1

Wednesday 29th Nov

Recovery morning no.1.

Long lie in then off to the beach to be transformed into bronzed goddesses. That lasted until about 330 when we were all shivering and had to admit defeat before hypothermia set in and we came home for a bowl of soup to warm up.

Went to chemist on the way home to stock up on drugs as everyone we know has a throat lurgy thing and we don’t want it this weekend!

To eat or not to eat.....

Well the photo is the right way up this time.

Mmmm yum yum..... not!

Rachel is not sure about the Kibbah's!

Good hair day though!

Cheesy Bread Tradition

Ok, no idea why this photo won't turn round. its having a mad day like me!

Still blogging for 28th November. We all went to Lebanese bakery for the legendary cheesy bread hangover cure on Ladies Nights.

It would have been rude not to on Fleur’s first ladies night in 4 years!

In real life its the 31st December and this blog and picasso photo helper (ha ha ha ha) is doing my head in.

They don't seem to be talking to each other. It might have something to do with the fact that I "upgraded" it (ha ha ha ha ha) and now it doesn't seem to work easily.

Its the old story, if its not broken don't fix it!

Let's see if this works....

Monday, December 11, 2006

Big Bus, Ladies Night and baaad band!

Tuesday 28th Nov

Yippee, went for a burl on Big Bus today. Bit chilly tho! Stayed on with the girls for a wee while then hopped off to go do some shopping and get some cooking done.

Took me nearly two hours to get home and just managed to finish cooking by the time they got in.

Made soup and a roast chicken dinner. Just what the doctor ordered before a Ladies Night Oot!

We all started at the Boston and it all went downhill from there. There was me, Fleur, Rachel, Claire, Caroline, Dawn, Alison and our token male, John. There is always one eh?

A bunch of girls leaving gave us extra tickets, like our own four each were not enough, and we chatted and stayed for so long there that we decided to skip Scarletts and go straight to RBs for a boogie and free bull frogs.

So we rocked our bottoms until the lights came on, even although we all agreed the band in RBs just now is the worst we have EVER heard. Posted by Picasa

Fame - again

Then we went to Double Deckers to meet Aleeeson and the new boyfriend. Well he’s not new to her now, but he’s new to us. Poor boy has to meet all her family and friends in one go.


But he was big enough and ugly enough to deal with it.

After DDs we went to Longs then Boston. Mostly quiet everywhere coz it’s Monday but then went to Zinc and it was packed. Still can’t decide if I liked it there but we had a blast on the dance floor so that was me happy anyway.

We even managed to get out picture in Mumtazz. Fame – again. Posted by Picasa

The Wilsons are so easy...

Monday 27th

We went to Sind Punjab for dinner.

All the Wilson’s restaurant of first choice in Dubai.

Yep we are all cheap and easy to please. Posted by Picasa

Fleur does Dubai - again!

Monday 27th November

Woo hoo! Fleur and Rachel arrived at 1am in the people-pushing-smelling-yelling-touching-trauma place they call the new international arrival lounge/meeting place at the airport.

They spent the day at the pool and looking at genuine fake handbags in Al Karama but I was working.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the week off though.


Thursday 9th November – HAPPY 60th BIRTHDAY MAMMY!

Sorry I didn't have time to write my wee ode, will try and do one soon!

I had to go out and celebrate of course and have a wee cheers to my mam.

Viks not going out so off out with Becki and Vamp to Stephan’s birthday night oot at Blush. Had a few small ones here in Nikki Tams then off to Blush. Not really my kinda place but did my duty and sang happy birthday to Steph then headed for the Loft with Becki.

It was shit too so left Becki there and went to RBs alone to meet Josh. Couldn’t find him so had a drink, a dance and went home.

Don’t actually remember that bit, just assuming from info put together from texts and times of phone calls. :O)

Friday 10th

I was supposed to go to brunch with Vik & Co. Needless to say after last night I didn’t make it.

Cross with myself but hey ho, had a good night. Sorry I missed the day out though, the demon drink, I will never learn.

Sunday 12th November

Vicki left tonight. Boo hoo. I really miss her. And I don’t miss many people. If you are on my miss list, you are very special to me.

Thursday 16th

Thank God! My rugby ticket angel answered my prayers! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Got a number off for a guy selling season tickets. Sounded a bit dodgy and he wanted to meet me in Mall of the Emirates. Took Becki as a witness to anything that might need to be witnessed.

He called and said he would be an hour late so started to think it was a wind up. But an hour later he arrived and told me to meet him at the car park for Carrefour main entrance. Got there but drew the line when he then said meet him at row F!

Expected a big fat sleazy arab out to make lots of money to turn up. Turned out to be two teenagers who didn’t even want any extra. Cool. What a relief. I actually had season tickets in my hand. I had been feeling physically ill for last two weeks not being able to get any.

God I hope they are not forged.

Went to Loft again at night with Becki and Vamp. Pretty crap so left and went to RBs. Yawn.

Where is my rugby ticket angel....?

Saturday 4th Nov

Finally got six tickets for rugby for Friday. Yahoo. Thanks for the Hallmark tip Bex.

Now just have to get Saturdays and I am off the hook.

Sunday 5th Nov

I had a phone call with a client I was chasing stock from and he said the most bizarre thing to me.

He said “if I wasn’t born I wouldn’t have to hear this right now”!!

Guess that’s one way to look at life. Hope it works for him.

Went to the osteopath today. Seems I have tendonitis. i.e. swollen tendons. Three in fact. Got lots of exercises to do to hopefully make it better. I was poked and prodded by the doc. At one point I was truly convinced his thumb was going to push through from my back shoulder blade and pop out through my breast bone.


But he made up for the pain at the end with the best ten minute massage I have ever had. He is not my cup of tea, but I just closed my eyes and thought of…… sigh....

The man most definitely knows what to do with his hands.

Spent three hours trying to get rugby tickets. Went to every MMI and Virgin store in Dubai today.

Panic is starting to set in.... where is my rugby ticket angel?

End of the evening........

Name that tune!

Not quite sure which of the below concerns me most about this picture.

1/ I look 8 1/2 months pregnant.
2/ My arm looks the same size as my thigh.
3/ If I stuck my tongue out I could probably touch my nose.
4/ Full on public grope.

Vicki is the only girl I know that can grab my boobs in a nightclub and get away with it without bruises.

She is also one of the only girls I will pee and fart in front of.

Well I have probably slept beside her more times than I have most boyfriends. Albeit comatosed, we were once inseparable pals.

Big sigh. We have shared more tears and laughter than most and I miss her terribly. Sniff.

However, after this reminder of the good old times nights oot, its probably best that she now lives back in Aberdeen. Posted by Picasa

"I like the way you moooove".....

I like the way you put your hands up in the air....

I like the way you shake your hair......


Night Oot with the Girls

Thursday 2nd November

Night Oot with Vicki, Anna, Maria, Becki and Sonya.

We went to the new Loft Club and had a wicked night.

This is the middle of the evening..... Posted by Picasa

Concierge of the Year Awards 2006

Missed a great Halloween party to give out awards for COTY which we sponsored.

Ah well, free nosh and wine at Sphinx so wasn't too bad. Posted by Picasa

Good mates on hols

Woo hoo, the Vixter is finally back in town!

With her ma, pa, new boy Dave, Anna & Alex and their beautiful two kids Taylor and wee Loui.


They are staying in a posh villa in the Meadows.

Let the good times begin.

:o) Posted by Picasa

Time to go home....

Wednesday 25th October

Last day. Didn’t get up in time for tour with the Tour Queen so V and I intended to sunbath for our holiday panic tan. Went down to pool, clarted on the coconut oil, ordered our cocktails and sod’s law it started thunder and lightening and we all had to run inside.

We checked out and wandered around the hotel and lounged in lobby watching the rain and checked out all the horny 60 year olds, just in case…..

So bored I paid a fortune for a Swedish massage. It was very nice but my shoulder was so sore I couldn’t concentrate on anything else. Bummer, I will have to go and see about that when I get back.

Christine had cheerily suggested it may be arthritis at my age. Thanks for that Christine, I will rest easy at nights now. Well I guess arthritis is better than osteoporosis. Not as good as a pulled muscle or RSI with too much yoga but better than the big O. Always the optimist.

SQ got back just in time for our bus to the airport. Shame, would have been funnier if she missed it.

Good wee holiday but it definitely wasn’t the same without our Yves. Poor pet, next time huney check and double check if you need a visa! Bloody Indians. Always causing trouble. And I mean the tube at the airport, not my beautiful brown mafia friend.

Just as well she is a good friend as we had to prat about at the airport for an hour to find her case before we left.

But hey ho, then we got upgraded. Well the Vamp and I did. SQ didn’t.

I believe in the universal law of ten fold. SQ, you should never have told me about that ghost in the bedroom in London……

So we spent the next four and a half hours eating and drinking in business class. There is so much leg room that V and I couldn’t reach the touch TV screens in front of us without getting out of our seats.

So I mastered the art of touch TV with my big toe by the end of the flight no probs.

I luv my life, I am always learning new and useful skills. Posted by Picasa

Mam's last night already

We had intended going into town for some local food, fun and frolics, but time was against us. We were not sure what to do for dinner until the smell in the hotel lobby drifted through to connect with our rumbling tummies.

So the V and I stayed with Mam on her last night and had dinner with her at her hotel. Christine had already eaten so didn’t join us and we had no idea where the Tour Queen was.

We are glad we stayed coz the food was delicious. And we had “kaleftico” at last. This is the local dish which is lamb cooked so slowly it melts in your mouth.

Can’t believe Mam and Christine are leaving already and it was funny saying goodbye. I’ve never really been with my mam anywhere except Inverness or Dubai so it was a bit surreal.

So we said our goodbyes and we got our No.30 back to our hotel.

At least her nose was getting better now!

So quick shower and change and back to our new local haunts for the last time.

Seriously, the Step Inn is just a reincarnation of Rock Bottoms so we felt like locals by the third night there. We are such creatures of habit. Yawn.

We did venture to Rumours first which the V preferred. She likes hip hop, I like old crap or trance dance tunes.

Never going to find a middle ground to suit both so stayed in Rumours for a few then went to Step Inn for a few.

Both happy.

Our Hero

Now, time to go home. So we went to the bus stop.

No buses after 6pm. So we went to the taxi rank.

No taxis to Limassol after 6pm. Hire a car.

Shop shut. Time for coffee and a wee think.

There were a group of taxis across the street so went to try and persuade one of them to take us.
Didn’t take long and one of them came to our rescue.

Not sure if it was because:

A/ he was a gentlemen helping three charming Scottish lassies
B/ coz he needed the extra dosh I offered or
C/ if it was because it was cold and dark by this time and all we had on were bikini tops and vests so needless to say we all looked very pleased indeed to see him.

Anyway, Zeus (his new short term name coz we couldn’t pronounce or understand his real name) turned out to be pure dead brilliant. He told us loads of history stuff, got the crack and even went out of his way and took us to see Aphrodites Rock. Ok so it was dark and we couldn’t see a damn thing, but it was the thought that counted.

Finally home safely courtesy of Zeuz and dropped Mam off at about 9pm. Just as well she packed her case in the morning.

Poor we lamb now had to go all the way back to the airport we had just passed 2 hours ago at midnight. Posted by Picasa

Mosaic floors

These were amazing!

Very weird to think we were looking at what used to be floors of houses of Gods!

Can't remember which one this was but it was one of the best preserved ones.

SQ eat your heart out! Posted by Picasa

We liked this boulder

Lovely place.

Would stay here if I ever came back. Posted by Picasa


We ordered a private bus to take us there. Silly us thinking it would just be the three of us and take us straight there.

When we got on there was a couple with a baby who didn’t speak. The couple I mean not the baby.

One hour later after driving round the whole of Limassol lost trying to find our next passengers, we finally set off.

Our new passengers filled the mini bus to capacity and looked like models who had just walked off a shoot for Loreal. They were in fact school girls just finished school and going home to Paphos.

Of course they had to be dropped off first when we got there so we didn’t actually reach our destination until about 3pm.

Oh well we were there safely and cheaply and it was buzzing. We had a fab day. Much more vibrant than Limassol. More castles to visit, more food, more tac to buy and more photos to take.

We went to see the Paphos Mediaeval Fort, the House of Aion, Mosaic Floor, House of Dionysos, House of Apollo and Odeon.

Yep, we earned our tourist badges today. We even got to eat scrummy ice cream sitting on the wall in the harbour watching the world go by.

Quality day. Posted by Picasa

Roof with a View

Mum had a nice pool on the roof of her hotel.

But she still had a view of The Wrinklies swimming in the sea every day.

Nice to see her chilled, tanned and smiling!

And very nice to know she's not gone daft enough yet to join them. Posted by Picasa

Beach bums

Tuesday 24th

Off we set on the No.30 to meet mam. The Tour Queen up and off at silly o’clock and the Sleeping Princess managed to get up before lunchtime to join us.

We were off to Pafos today. We were not quite sure how we were going to get there or get back but if all else failed we would hire a car. So we chilled on the beach outside Mam’s hotel in the morning. The sand is a bit volcanic and a dark colour and the sea is freezing and only managed a big toe in.

But the sun is still yellow, hot and worthy of creating a bikini line so worth a few hours before we set off. Posted by Picasa

One big boulder

Once our tummies were full and we psyched ourselves up, we were ready for anything so off we set to explore the castle.

10 minutes later we were done.

Just a square brick ruin really. One boulder was like the next. But hey we can buy the t-shirt now and say we saw it.

So we left Mam back at her hotel and then off we went on our No.30 back to our hotel to get ready for our girls on the toon night oot. Posted by Picasa